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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  March 19, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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martha: so we are expecting just a few minutes away jay carney will brief on what's going on in syria, some mixed reports out there, but we'll stay on top of it. bill: let's hope it's not true. we'll catch you again tomorrow right here. jon: we begin with a fox news alert on a deadly explosion during a marine training exercise at the hawthorne army depot in nevada, a facility that stores and disposes of ammunition. at least seven marines are dead, several others injured. the cause of the blast under investigation now. moments ago the senator from nevada, majority leader harry reid, tald about the explosion on the senate floor. >> my thoughts are with those who are injured and, of course, the families of those who lost loved ones. and marines all over the world are now focusing on the loss of their fellow marines.
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they're grieving this loss. jon: we will have much more on this developing story with a live report from the pentagon later on "happening now." ♪ jon: brand new developments on immigration reform as a rising republican star outlines a new plan. good morning, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. senator rand paul making some headlines today, now supporting a pathway to citizenship for the nation's estimated 31 million illegals -- 11 million illegals. it's a significant policy move, but the possible 2016 white house candidate also makes it clear that his plan does come with conditions. >> if you wish to work, if you wish to live and work in america, then we will find a place for you. in order to bring conservatives to this cause, however, those who work for reform must understand that a real solution must insure that our borders are
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secure. we must also treat those who are here already with understanding and compassion without also unduly rewarding them for coming illegally. jenna: carl cameron is live in washington with more. so, carl, a lot of different plans floating around out there. i'm sure viewers have heard quite a few of them. how is this different from the other plans on the hill? >> reporter: in a couple of ways, and you were sort of talking about rand paul, a tea party favorite, a conservative kentucky senator, and it's also worth noting that there's a real libertarian streak in rand paul's brand of republican conservativism, and that comes out in this. his plan differs from the one advanced by the bipartisan group of eight senators which, of course, includes the potential white house republican nomination rival, florida senator marco rubio. both of those plans require border security certification by the border patrol as well as an inspector general or an investigator general before any of the other reforms are implemented. but paul adds a new level of
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certification by congress. he wants lawmakers to have accountability to look over all of this and says the border has to be certified by congress for several years before the other reforms. watch. >> we want a report that really comes back and is voted on by congress each year. some may object, but if we don't, i don't think you'll get conservatives onboard, which i think you need to get everybody onboard that this is good for the country. >> reporter: it's actually a little bit more conservative than the one from the bipartisan gang of eight and marco rubio. paul's plan doesn't start the other reforms like dealing with the 31 million who are -- 11 million who are already here, whereas the rubio bipartisan plan secures the border and begins the other reforms simultaneously. that's a big difference, and it may make it easier for mr. rand paul to court conservatives and harder for bipartisans because of the choice. jenna: interesting. border control in general and the timing of implementation of oh reforms are some difference, what about other key differences
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out there? >> reporter: well, this goes to rand paul's type of politics. he is not in favor of something that the gang of eight, the bipartisan solution that rubio supports, they will expand the e-verification system. in order to curb the hiring of undocumented workers, of illegal aliens. paul opposes those ideas and believes it turns business people effectively into immigration cops. so he does away with the e-verify system and the requirement for ids which, frankly, a lot of civil libertarians really appreciate because the idea of a national id card has a big brother feel to some of those, and that shows you rand paul is not only positioning on immigration reform, but perhaps also positioning against marco rubio as a slightly more libertarian conservative than the man from florida. jenna: big takeaway, carl, do you think this gets us closer, all sides together? >> reporter: dirty little secret here, jenna, the
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president talked about immigration reform in his state of the union address. that was a few months ago. the gang of eight that has this proposal, they've not put it into legislative language yet. rand paul's just talking these ideas. frankly, it's being slow walked because of the gridlock that paul hopes to break. they all say they want to, but this is just another idea and, therefore, more choices. sometimes too many choices is exactly what congress uses to not make any. jenna: important context. glad i asked. any secrets anytime, carl, you just share them. no disclaimer necessary. [laughter] carl cameron live in d.c., thank you very much. we're going to have a little more context nowment immigration is expected to play a major role in upcoming elections because so many people are affected. the latest numbers are from 2011. when the department of homeland security says there were 11.5 million illegal immigrants living in the united states. that's down slightly from 2007 when the number reached its peek of 11.8 million. in 2011 u.s. immigration and
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customs enforcement removed nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants, the highest number in agency history. jon: staying in washington, it is a big job on capitol hill with the senate expected to approve a plan to keep the government running, and we're getting word funding for some critical programs hit hard by automatic spending cuts might also be restored. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill with that. seems like the biggest fight is not the short-term funding, but the broader budget debate, huh. >> >> reporter: the so-called continuing revolution to avoid a government shutdown seems to be on the path toward passage. overall, everybody seems to be feeling pretty good about it. so rather than going on the senate floor and singing "kumbaya", senate majority leader harry reid took time a few minutes ago to blast the house republican, paul ryan, budget plan. >> hand out more budget-busting tax breaks for the wealthy, and to pay for these wasteful tax
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breaks, ld -- it would end medicare guarantee, it would raise tax on middle class families. to appease the tea party, the ryan republican budget would risk recovery, and that's just a price too high. >> reporter: needless to say, republicans disagree. they believe that their budget which ultimately, they say, would balance, would provide more opportunity and more jobs for the american people, jon. jon: obviously, both sides trying to get their points out. what are the republicans saying about these budgetary matters? >> reporter: they're going after the budget that was proposed by senate budget chair patty murray. they say it increases spending, increases the debt, never balances and raises taxes. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell a few moments ago called it extreme. >> a party that once cared about hard working american families seems of to have gone off the leftmost edge of the reservation with this budget. d.c. democrats' priorities are just so far removed from the actual needs of middle class
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cayennes and americans who continue to struggle in the obama economy. >> reporter: and house budget chair paul ryan a few minutes ago called it a good week for house republicans, because he says they are presenting the country a budget that balances in a responsible way. jon? jon: seems like a lot of finger pointing still underway on capitol hill. mike emanuel. >> reporter: i guess. jon: thanks. jenna: a key vote is set to take place on a plan that sees up to 10 percent of some bank goes -- deposits in cypress. it's raising a whole lot of questions worldwide because of the precedent it might set. greg talcott is live in london so, greg, how do things stand now in cyprus? >> reporter: jenna, we are less than an hour to the start of a debate on that plan. reports are that plan has been modified to make it a bit easier to take. the reports again say that there will be no tax or levy imposed
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on depositors around $30,000 or so but anywhere from 7-10% on all deposits after that. some atms are working on the island nation of cyprus, the banks on that island remain closed. there is the fear of a run on those banks. the sip ri yacht president spoke to the press earlier today. he says that even this watered-down plan will not go over well with the legislators. here's a little bit of what he had to say. >> the feeling i'm having is that the house is going to reject the bill. >> why is that? >> because they feel that it is unjust, and it's against the interest of cyprus very much. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of anger on that island, jenna. there is no plan b being presented right now by the president. the worst case is that cyprus could get booted out of the eurozone. by the way, jenna, euro officials are talking as well today. they say on the one hand this
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sort of seizing of assets could not happen in any other country in europe. that is the fear. another official saying deposit insurance which exists here in europe only covers depositors in case of a bank failure. >> jenna: interesting disclaimer there. getting back to cyprus, tiny country but a whole lot of big talk about russianings. where do the russians fit in here, why are people talking about the russians when it comes to cyprus? >> reporter: this adds another new, intriguing element to this whole story. russians play a big part of the story. that's because rich russians are big depositors, big investors in russia. lax banking regulations on the island said to be a factor, and that's maybe a factor the european union doesn't want to help too much in the bailout for cyprus. for its part russia is saying that if these levies are imposed on depositors -- many of them
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russians -- it might yank a loan that is outstanding to cyprus. but there is yet another intriguing story out there, jenna, just coming out in the past 2 hours that major -- 24 hours that a major energy firm if russia is saying, hey, it will handle all the debts if it gets exclusive rights to a new gas field discovered off of the island of cyprus. now, that is only report and reportedly the president turned it down, but another intriguing element. back to you. jenna: absolutely. we'll see which idea or report wins out. greg, thank you. jon: and speaking of intriguing, there's an interesting new study out on sleep. have you seen the results -- jenna: i'm exhausted. let's talk about it. [laughter] jon: well, it says not enough shuteye can take a toll on your mind. that hasn't happened to you. it can also affect your weight. that hasn't happened to you either. [laughter] jenna: in the meantime, huge
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hail, high winds and tornadoes, half the country in the path of a nasty winter storm. janice dean is going to talk about the areas hardest hit on the eve of spring. jon: i was clearing sidewalks this morning. and a new push for answers into the investigation of the benghazi attacks. robert mueller faces new questions from lawmakers about the investigation. will we learn s details about the survivors? >> i'm going to hold up the business of the senate until we get the survivors on record. i've talked to a couple, and their story is chilling, they're scared to death to come forward without some institutional support. [ giada ] why did i switch to natural instincts?
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it's healthier, ammonia-free. and with aloe, vitamin e, and coconut oil, my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you should too, to natural instincts.
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jenna: today fbi director bob muller faces some new questions from lawmakers on the status of the investigation of the benghazi terror attacks. this is as more questions are surfacing about why we aren't hearing from the survivors. >> does the white house take a
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position on whether the various lawmakers who have been seeking access to the benghazi survivors should, in fact, have that access? >> as i said on your air the other day, the white house is certainly not preventing anybody from having access to any of the survivors of the benghazi attack. i think it's worth noting that government employees, in this case some of them in highly-sensitive positions, have responsibilities that existed before and exist after an attack like that. but investigation is ongoing. we don't talk about specifics in terms of the president's visits to walter reed. i can -- >> or elsewhere? >> i don't have anything for you on that. i don't know the answer to that question. jenna: just to clarify, james rosen asked jay carney has the president met with any of the survivors, and that's what he was responding to in the second part of that sound bite. mike baker is with us, president of diligence llc, a global intelligence and security firm. so, mike, you're the one to ask
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about this. as the white house points out, these survivors are in positions that don't make it easy for them just necessarily to come forward and tell their story. we have to respect that that as. what's in the best interests of everybody? should these survivors talk publicly or not? what do you think? >> well, i mean, it is true, this is not black or white. and some people have been saying, well, you know, how come the folks who are out there, the 30-plus individuals who were pulled out of benghazi safely as a result, by the way, of the efforts of folks like now-deceased ty woods and glenn doherty. but, you know, it's not as simple as them calling up their congressmen and saying they want to talk. because a number of these individuals -- as director mueller correctly pointed out, a number of them are in cover positions, so their identities are classified. now, you've got two conflicting situations here. it's human nature to want to get your story out, to set the record straight, to correct misstatements. and a number of the folks that
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were on the ground out there would very much like to do that. but the reality is, also, the concerns of the sensitivity of the job that you're in. so this is not just as simple as saying i'm going to go up on the hill and talk. jenna: we hear from former secretary of state hillary clinton that she had, in testimony she says she hasn't spoken with any of these survivors because of the fbi's ongoing investigation. the fbi is going to be speaking about the status of that investigation. what do you think needs to come forward? what questions need to be asked here? >> well, i think there's so many angles here and, by the way, so many people in the intel community both former and current members and also the military are so happy that we are continuing to talk about this. very few people are, but this is such an important issue. that appearance by, that ridiculous appearance by hillary clinton up on the hill sometime ago -- remember, this is six months on from the attack in benghazi, you know, half of the
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room was slobbering deference over how wonderful she is, and the other half couldn't take a couple of quick questions and keep hammering on those. the white house has an obligation to explain themselves, to talk about why the cavalry was never called. the expectation is that when, you know, it hits the fan and everything starts to go south, you've got some cover, you know? they're going to call the cavalry. not only was the cavalry not called, there's no explanation as to why that didn't happen. so, yes, there's a lot of questions that still need to be answered, but the disappointing thing is, b the thing that's so heartbreaking here after all this is that the lot of people just don't seem to care, and starting with the white house. i think they believed the story would just disappear. i think some of them are surprised that it continues to linger. but i think they still expect they can just get away with stonewalling and not talking about this. jenna: well, let's get out of the politics for just one moment, mike, and speaking from your experience and those whom you're still in contact with --
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and we don't drill down into specifics with that -- but in general for the intelligence community that is still very much at work around the world, what do you think has been the fallout from pen ghazi? -- benghazi? >> well, there's a slow degrading of morale that goes on. anytime you have a situation like this. and whether you're talking about the enhanced internation -- and, remember, the current administration, you know, there was a move to try to prosecute some of the agency officers simply because they were conducting operations under guidelines set forth by a previous administration. so they wanted to change the rules. something like that happens, morale starts to degrade. something like this takes place in benghazi where you've got people out there risking their lives doing what they want to do, i mean, these people are incredibly patriotic, but yet again, when it all starts to head south and there's no cover, there's no explanation as to why there's not a backup that the cavalry was never called again, as i keep saying. you know, this has an impact on
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the officers. that's not going to say they're not going to continue to march forward and do their job, of course they will. but you can't ignore the fact that it damages morale. you have to have an expectation of top cover from your administration, whatever that administration is. and wright now that's -- right now that's really in question. jenna: mike baker, the hearing begins at 2:00 today. we'll be watching those questions and answers closely. mike, as always, thanks for the time. >> thank you. thank you. jon: in arizona the jodi arias trial is back on today. new testimony raising even more doubts about her story about what happened to her former lover, travis alexander. now her so-called amnesia defense. a defense expert who evaluated her says he made a mistake. what will that do to the case? and senator rand paul unveiling his plan for immigration reform. an in-depth look at his proposal. what makes it different from others that are out there? plus, what it might mean for the gop moving forward. >> i call this plan trust but
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verify. with this in place, i
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jon: reaction coming in right now toy senator randwall's plans for immigration reform. his plan includes a pathway to citizenship for the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants, something that could anger some tea party supporters of his. but senator paul says his proposal also calls for stronger border security, even making progress in that area a condition to implementing his plan. senator paul's call for action on immigration reform is in line with a growing number of republicans who seem to view this as a way to broaden gop
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support among the latino voting bloc. let's talk about it with byron york, chief political correspondent at the washington examiner. we just learned this week that the republican national committee in examining the mistakes of the last election found that embracing immigration or immigrants is going to be key to the success of the republican party in the future. now we have senate rand paul, among others, embracing it. is in the new wave among republicans? >> well, it sure looks like it. the rnc said the republicans must embrace comprehensive immigration reform. all this is being seen in the context of 2016. we've just learned via twitter that rand paul is going to be the keynote speaker at the iowa republican party's big lincoln dinner in may. so we're seeing it in that context as well. rand paul says his plan, though, is different from what's being offered by the gang of eight in one big respect. the gang of eight plan would offer instant, day one legalization to all immigrants
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who are currently here illegally. then it would proceed to border security, and then after the border was verified secure, to a path to citizenship. a lot of conservatives have objected to that immediate legalization. they said that's the whole ball game right there. so rand paul would say first step, border security. and then when that's verified not just by the obama administration, but by congress itself, then you move on to legalization and a path to citizenship. jon: rand paul one of the more conservative members in the senate. he addressed the questions that conservatives have about this whole issue. let me play that bite for you now. >> immigration will not occur until conservative republicans, like myself, become part of the solution. that's why i'm here today, to begin that conversation and to be part of the solution. jon: and i should point out that in his prepared remarks he started that off by saying imgraduation reform, not just immigration as he did, apparently, in the speech. so what about it? do conservatives have to get
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onback on the record first of all, for the republican party to have a prayer in the future, and do conservatives have to get onboard for immigration reform to go anywhere? >> well, there's a huge debate about that question, and a hot of conservatives -- a lot of conservatives are saying, look, the argument that hispanic voters would be naturally republicans, is just not true. certainly, they voted 70% for president obama in this last election. so there's a big debate going on inside the republican party. there are a lot of lawmakers, i will say, on capitol hill, republicans who say, well, we've just got to get this issue behind us. they think if thaw pass some sort of immigration reform, they don't have to worry about it in the future, although it may just open up a whole set of issues. so the republican party is by no means united by this. we haven't gotten to the nuts and bolts because nobody's actually written a bill. jon: yeah. that's one of the issues.
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a lot of speeches being given --? that's right. jon: he addressed the notion of that this contests of a form of amnesty which is anathema to a lot of people. listen to this. >> conservatives, myself included, are wary of amnesty. in fact, if you read the news already, i think i'm already being accused of it, and i haven't even given my speech yet. [laughter] it's kind of who wants to make up the definition. but what i'd say -- i'd say what we have now is de facto amnesty. jon: yeah, the fact is ronald reagan signed the legislation in the mid '80s that was going to fix the immigration problem once and for all, and here we are 20 years lateerer, more than that, with, you know, 11 and 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. >> well, those events of the '80s still haunt the immigration debate today. an amnesty was given out, the border was not secured, and in
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the 2000s, especially under the administration of george push, there was a huge increase in the number of illegal immigrants. the one thing republicans do agree on is they need to do something about this. even the ones who think border security only is the way to go, they all feel they have to do something about it. the problem just cannot continue to exist as it has for the last decade. jon: well, and the speeches, maybe the presidential campaign speeches continue. we'll see how long it takes to get some legislative language out there. byron york, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: well, a major american city dealing with a shocking rise in gang-relatednow there'sp the violence plaguing chicago. we'll tell you about that. also, some big news from the jodi arias trial, an expert witness admitting the defendant lied to him raising questions about whether this emotional testimony meant anything at all. [ woman ] we had two tiny reasons
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jenna: now a fox news alert. the syrian government is claiming that rebel fighters have launched a deadly attack using chemical weapons and we have some brand new video from syrian state-run television allegedly showing some of the victims. they are reporting 25 people have been killed. the rebels deny the government report and blamed syrian forces for today's attack on a northern village. moments ago the white house went on the record saying there is no evidence that syrian rebels used any chemical weapons and also
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saying it is carefully looking at these reports. press press issued a warning to the assad regime. -- press secretary jay carney. >> i'm not going to discuss intelligence but important as fight in syria intensifies and fighting becomes more desperate that the united states and international community make it absolutely clear to assad that the use of chemical weapons would be totally unacceptable. the president was clear when he said if assad and those under his command use chemical weapons and fail to secure them there will be consequences and they will behold accountable. jenna: joining us is a research fellow at the new american foundation. he has traveled extensively in syria during this conflict many times and we called upon him for his expertise in this part of the world. brock, when you hear the reports come out what should we consider about them. >> first we need to know that the syria has the 30 or fourth largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world. there are the a thousand tons of chemical agents in
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the past the obama administration will use the them as more and more of the country splits out of the regime control. that they will use his chemical weapons to assure his survival. jenna: what do you think about this report coming out now a day before the president travels to that region for his first trip it israel as president? >> it is probably highly unlikely that the regime used chemical weapons at this time. basically only 25 people die. if you use chemical weapons, they are highly lethal and potent so many more people would die. could be a crude rocket was used by someone else that caused this type of damage. jenna: you don't think there is any particular timing in this? sort of another report coming out in what has been a very chaotic situation? >> exactly. the situation in syria is just slipping into a cauldron of chaos with nobody in control. it is moving toward a failed state and events are take --
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events on the ground taking over everything and outside powers don't have that much influence on the ground. jenna: you travel there amongst the people. you have developed these relationships on the ground. i'm curious what you think about this headline coming from reuters right now. reuters is listening to jay carney give the press briefing and this is what reuters says. the white house reiterates president obama warned of consequences if chemical weapons are used in syria but doesn't detail what the consequences would be. for the people on the ground, barak, the ones we would want to help in this situation, how important is it that the consequences are clear? or is that important? >> the people in syria right now are begging for anyone to help them. some even say though want their archenemy israel to get involved around overthrow the assad regime. we're two years into a war where over 70,000 people have died. there is no end in sight. they're grasping for anybody that can help them to end
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their suffering and this nightmare. jenna: there are a lot of forces at play but there is a lot of average families affected by this crisis. great to have you as always. thanks for the time. >> thank you. jon: right now something of a bombshell in the jodi arias murder trial. she is accused of brutally murdering her boyfriend. now a defense expert witness admits he diagnosed her with post-traumatic stress disorder and amnesia based on a story she told on the death of her lover, a story that turned out to be a lie. adam housley has details from los angeles. adam, i guess it was a rough day for the arias defense witness? >> reporter: it has been a rough day for the defense a number of days in recent weeks. jodi arias we had the cross-examination of her with the jury asking her a lot of tiff questions. the defense is trying to rebuild the defense of joed. cody: with dr. richard samuels. he was on the stand as you mentioned, jon, talking about post-tramatic stress disorder and that was he thought she was dealing with
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and would explain the fact that she is having memory issues. the problem is, once cross-examination began with the prosecutor he got him to admit really she kind of lied to him which throws out the whole idea that he was able to determine she had post-tramatic stress disorder. take a listen to this interchange. >> what you are telling me is that the validity or the, this test really is only as good as the person who is telling or filling it out, right? >> that's true. >> so if they're lying, then the test is not very good? >> that's correct. >> and in this case we do have a circumstance where you know that the defendant's lying and she lied on the test, right? >> well, her answers didn't reflect what we ultimately discovered. >> right. so she lied, right? >> yes. or her answers may have been consistent with the story she was telling. >> reporter: once again all
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about lie, jon. as you know throughout the trial jodi arias has been saying she lied all the way up to the trial but now she is telling the truth. but the prosecution maintained how can you ever tell she is telling the truth because she lied to some people over the course of so many years. jon: this trial seems to have gone on for so long. what's next? the defense witness is still on the stand? >> reporter: most cores observers believe the prosecution made significant inroads with this defense witness. the cross-examination will continue and redirect of this witness. from what we can tell they have one more big witness to call to try it somehow rebuild the case of jodi arias did this all in self-defense and had memory laps due to the fact she was dealing with a guy beating her up. that is what she contends. that witness will come next. then you have the trial begin to wrap up. we know she spent 18 days on the stand. anything can happen. we expect the jury to ask questions of dr. samuels. so far the jury is pretty
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interesting. their questions have been spot on. we expect they will have questions for him at some point. jon? jon: adam housley reporting live. adam, thank you. jenna: from los angeles to chicago now, a new effort to combat the growing gang violence in that city, a city with the one of the highest murder rates in the entire country. a group called ceasefire is using a one million dollar contract from the city to hopefully resolve gang-related conflictses in some the city's dangerous neighborhoods. garrett tenney is live with more. garrett? >> reporter: jenna what makes sees fire so effective preventing violence according to the director that the group is made up of mostly former gang members who know exactly what life is like on the streets. this is a memorial for 6 month yelled jenilah watkins the youngest shooting victim in chicago this month. >> chicago has become a war zone. >> reporter: a sad reality for tasha and her 4-year-old daughter who doesn't live
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far from where the baby was killed, unintended target of gang violence according to police. >> god bless you all. >> y'all are doing a good job. >> reporter: to help curb the killings the city is reaching out to a group called sees fire that works to prevent violence before it happens, especially between rival gangs. >> there is no 401(k) plan in the streets. the streets is a dead end. >> reporter: ceasefire employs 100 workers across the city. many are reformed ex-convicts like martin, who use their streeted cred and reputation as violence interruptores, intervening as mediators to keep conflicts from escalating. >> only way i can help say i'm sorry to the person i took his life was, is to save somebody else's life. >> reporter: ceasefire's director credits the program for fewer shootings and murders this year. >> they are down in ceasefire zones by 21%. >> reporter: chicago police say it is hard to measure the direct impact. >> all we have are anecdotes
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and we're trying to figure out if exactly it is working. >> reporter: ceasefire's director says one of the keys to preventing violence is to have the trust of communities they work in. if they're seen working too closely to police that could make maintaining the trust a lot harder. funeral services for that 6-month-old girl, jenialah watkins, are being held today, jenna. jenna: what a story. garrett, thank you. jon: coming up an adorable dog was supposed to fly home to phoenix, arizona with his owner. how did this puppy end up in ireland? the story of the wrong way waldo, next. >> they said that he wasn't on the flight to phoenix. he was on his way to shannon. my mom, where is shannon? ireland. on his cage clearly says he is going to phoenix. i mean i don't know how somebody could you know, --.
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gone away because of lifelock. >> announcer: while no one can stop all identity theft, if criminals do steal your information, lifelock will help fix it, with our $1 million service guarantee. don't wait until you become the next victim. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock now to get two full months of identity theft protection risk free. that's right, 60 days risk-free. use promo code: gethelp. if you're not completely satisfied, notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this shredder to keep your documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 dollar value, free. get protected now. call the number on your screen or go to to try lifelock protection risk free for a full 60 days. use promo code: gethelp. plus get this document shredder free-- but only if you act right now. call the number on your screen now! jenna: coming up new next
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hour some fear as the felt bi arrest as nasa contractor who had access to a whole lot of classified information just as he apparently was trying to head to china with a one-way ticket. we're live with the story and details about that. also preparations are underway for u.s. troop withdrawals in afghanistan by the end of next year but there are still some issues yet to be resolved to say the least. what a top u.s. military leader is doing about that we'll talk with somebody who just got back from afghanistan. she recently stepped down as secretary of state but hillary clinton is not staying out of the limelight. what her new video about gay marriage will tell us about her political plans for the future. jon: well, it is one thing for an airline to maybe lose your luggage. quite another to lose your best friend. this adorable dog was supposed to fly home to phoenix with his owner but a united airlines mix-up sent the pooch all the way to ireland instead. rick folbaum in the new york newsroom with that, rick? >> lots of us probably have
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a story about the time an airline screwed something up with our luggage but meredith grant's story probably tops them all. she was moving from new york to phoenix bringing everything with her and her beloved dog hendrix of course. except the 7-year-old springer spaniel did not arrive in phoenix. united airlines put him on a different flight. here is how united explained it. >> he was not on the flight to phoenix. he was on his way to shannon. my mom is, where is shannon? ireland. somebody took, a lot of people will say otherwise, somebody took my child and sent him to ireland. like, i mean it feels like you got punched in stomach. >> the airline releasing this statement. we're reviewing the circumstances surrounding the situation and we will take steps to prevent this from happening again. hendrix whose experience is not typical service we provide to more than 100,000 pets who travel with us every year. he did arrive safely in phoenix the next day.
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the airline refund ad $450 fee it charges to fly with a pet. no word whether hendrix got to do sightseeing. ireland around st. patrick's day would be a lot of fun. anyway, back home. jon: it is a springer spaniel, not a irish seter. rick folbaum, a happy ending anyway. >> that's good. jon: thanks. jenna: could eight hours hours a day keep the pounds away? what a new study reveals about the link between sleep and weight. dr. marc siegel joins us next
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jon: well the baggie eyes and yawning are bad enough but new research shows losing sleep can also make you fat. the study followed 16 healthy men and women for two weeks, chronicled their every move and found that losing just a few hours of
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sleep a night had an almost immediate impact on metabolism and eating habits. dr. marc siegel, fox news medical a-teamer and professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center. 16 people involved in the study at university of colorado. they documented everything they did, very high-tech study. do you agree with the results? >> i think it is very interesting and i do agree with it because what it find is, by the way, documenting every move, like you said that makes it a good study. jon: they were measuring the carbon dioxide out put and oxygen intake,. >> very interesting. what they said if people slept only five hours a night during the work week, when you and i have to rush to work, only five hours a night, what happens is the body burns 5% more energy. you might say, wait a minute, that should help you lose weight, right? you're burning more. we all think that, we're awake. like an engine, we have to burn more, but, the hormones in the brain recognize that and they take in more.
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that is the problem. when you're in that active state, your body signals you to eat more. more of the wrong stuff. more carbohydrates, more fats. that's what they found in the study. when they let people sleep nine hours a night, they stopped eating so much carbohydrates and fats. we have hormones in the brain, jon, when to signal to shut off hunger but they become insensitive in setting like this where we're staying up too much. jon: the people in the study who slept less actually burned more calories and turned around and took even more calories than they had burned? >> much more. somehow they lost track of the fact, their bodies did, engine did, last track of the fact they had eaten enough. this is what we have long non. this explains why. it tells us we better watch and move in a different direction. jon: so people who are gaining more weight than they would like, maybe ought to take a look at their sleep habits, simple as that? >> very good place to start. sleep habits, exercise
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habits i'm always saying, you would think, i'm awake. it explains why people that are wide awake at midnight going to the cabinet trying to find a sugary beverage or snack. jon: yeah. i'll tell you what, nobody would get me to volunteer for a sleep study or a study only letting me sleep five hours a night. i would not -- >> i am very glad to hear that. unfortunately i might fit the criteria not being in the study. this is wake-up call for me and people like me that don't sleep enough. jon: dr. marc siegel. good to have you on. jenna? jenna: a tragic accident during a live fire training exercise takes the lives of seven marines in nevada. the latest own the developing story is next. plus dignitaries and leaders from around the world juning hundreds of thousands of the faithful in st. fighter's square. more on the -- st. peter's square. more on the inaugural of pope francis next. ♪ .
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rick: the next hour is all new on "happening now," working on a number of stories including the story of a former fbi contractor who worked at this research lab in langley, virginia, busted while trying to board a plane bound for china. we'll tell you why and what he had on him at the time. also, ten years since shock and awe. the iraq war a decade later or, and what's next as we move closer to a handover in afghanistan. plus, brand new details in the single biggest theft of all time. half a billion dollars in artwork stolen more than 20 years ago, the frames still empty. is this case closer to being solved? all of that and breaking news as the second hour of "happening
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now" starts right now. jenna: well, some new information this hour on what appears to be a tragic accident at a military training site in nevada that killed seven marines and injured several others. we're glad you're with us, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: and i'm jon scott, welcome to a brand new hour of "happening now." that terrible accident happening at an army depot in western nevada that houses and stores large quantities of of ammunition. officials say a 60-millimeter mortar shell exmolded during a live-fire training exercise as marines were preparing the fire it. again, seven of them are dead. national security correspondent jennifer griffin joins us with more information. what's the latest from hawthorne, jennifer? >> reporter: well, the cause of the explosion is still under investigation by the marines, but initial reports have been confirmed that a 60-millimeter mortar round may have exploded while the marines were loading
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it into its tube. this was a live fire exercise carried out at an army depot. they were part of the 2nd marine division. it did not involve the ammo storage facility as we've been told, jon. jon: so what are you hearing act those who were hurt? >> reporter: well, at least three marines were killed immediately, we're told, four others died enroute to nearby hospitals. some of the eight were taken to reno, 140 miles away from the hawthorne facility. this army depot has been used since 1930, it is 230 square miles and has nearly 3,000 buildings. the explosion occurred at 7 p.m. local time out in nevada. the marines will not release the names of those who were injured or killed until next of country have been notified. they will wait 24 hours after that as is standard procedure, jon. jon: what a sad story. it's a dangerous business even those who are not deployed are
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always in harm's way. jennifer griffin, thank you. jenna: well, "happening now" a potential national security or breach as scientists at nasa's langley research center in virginia is now in federal be custody after he was pulled off a plane that was bound for his native china. in his possession, say the feds, a laptop and other computer data that may contain some sensitive military secrets. word of this follows recent reports that the chinese military is conducting cyber warfare, spying on u.s. companies from this building on the outskirts of shanghai. just some context. we'll talk more about this particular story with doug mckelway who's live from washington. what can you tell us about this contractor? >> his name is bo chang working on sensitive imaging technology. he was first brought to the attention of authorities when a whistleblower alerted congressman frank wolf to nasa's
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lax security procedures involving foreign nationals. fbi and dhs agents arrested him on saturday afternoon at dulles airplane after he had purchased a one-way ticket to china and lied to authorities about electronics he was carrying as he attempted to board the plane. congressman frank wolf said he told the homeland security agent that he had a cell phone, a memory stick and an external hard drive and a new computer. however, during the search other media items were located that he did not reveal, an additional laptop, an old hard drive and a sim card. congressman wolf is concerned there may be hundreds of cases like this. >> i've also seen documents showing that other nasa contractors are similarly employing chinese nationals. this begs the question, how many chinese nationals currently work at nasa? how many other foreign nationals work at nasa? we have not yet received a response after the question was raised during a hearing with the
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ig last week. >> reporter: and wolf points out that mr. chang was on an earlier occasion allowed by nasa supervisors to take his work and other nasa research back to china. hard to believe, jenna. jenna: interesting. you said really there was one whistleblower that brought this to the congressman's attention, so is nasa doing anything now to crack down on this sort of thing? >> reporter: you know, authorities at the langley research center apparently moved quickly, according to wolf, to review security protocols, but nasa is slower to do so. when officials learned of the behavior, one of them wrote in an internal e-mail, quoting now: >> r eporter: wolf is asking for an independent review of all of nasa's security protocols. jenna? jenna: we'll stay on this story, doug, thank you. >> reporter: sure thing. jon: new reaction as the former sec secretary of state, hillary clinton, takes a new stand on a key social issue generating more
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buzz about her political future. less than two months after leaving the state department, mrs. clinton stepped back into the national spotlight, releasing a recorded video announcement saying that she now supports same-sex marriage. some suggest the move signals she is gearing up for a political campaign rather than just taking tomb off after leave -- time off after leaving the state department. take a look. >> lgbt americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones. and they are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship. that includes marriage. that's why i support marriage for lesbian and gay couples. i support it personally and as a matter of policy and law. jon: jonah goldberg is editor at large for the national review and a fox news contributor. when you look at that video, jonah, i mean, nice makeup, soft
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lighting, it looks like a campaign commercial. >> yeah. it also kind of looks like, you know, the wedding scene from the godfather where he can't deny anyone a request with on the with daughter's wedding day. [laughter] yeah, i thought this was a weird choice for them to do it this way because what private citizen comes out with this kind of highly-produced video unless they're planning to run for office? they could have done this a bunch of different ways that would have left things more ambiguous. it's not like she doesn't have a rolodex full of reporters that could ask her softball questions as sort of a two months out of the state department what's going on kind of thing where she could have gotten out in front of the gay marriage issue. this really felt like a campaign announcement. jon: so what happened to the hillary clinton who left the state department saying, you know, she didn't have any plans, she was just looking forward to sleeping in in the morning and not traveling all the time in.
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>> well, there were a lot of people who never believed that in the first place. detractors and fans alike can agree she's a very driven, hard working person who does not sort of relax very much. and, but, you know, the idea that somehow -- i guess my point is i think it's a very difficult thing to see how this is a great move for her politically because one of the reasons why she has been so popular, why her poll numbers are so high and have been so high is precisely because she has not been involved in politics and hasn't seemed like a politician. as a secretary of state, she hasn't had to get down into the partisan muck the way a lot of cabinet officials have, the way a lot of prominent democrats have. and now all of a sudden she is basically declaring in this way that she didn't need to that she is basically a candidate like everybody else. jon: i don't want to engage in ageism here, but one of interesting things that would happen if she were to run, i mean when the, what, bob dole
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took on bill clinton, bill clinton was, what, in his early 50s, i think. americans have been reluctant once they've sort of handed the baton to a younger generation, they've been reluctant to go back to an older generation for presidential leadership. >> they have, and this is particularly unchartered territory because we're talking about a woman. and how, whether it's sexist or not or ageist or not, how we deal with, you know, older women is something we just haven't really had an opportunity to experience yet. and i agree, this is -- part of her problem was also that she is old news in the sense that clintons and bushes alike, just ask jeb bush, these are names that people have been talking about for over 20 years. and there's a real sense out there on both sides of the aisle that it's time for a change. i also think, look, historically the idea that a presidential, that a party can hold on to the white house for three terms in a row is very, very rare, it's very difficult, and the idea that hillary clinton is the
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woman who can do that i find a little unlikely. i don't think barack obama's popularity transfers to her. if you watch that "60 minutes" interview with hillary clinton and barack obama, you could see why barack obama is more popular than hillary clinton as a politician, because he's a much more dynamic and engaging personality, and hillary just did not seem like she was a particularly interesting person or exciting person to listen to or follow. jon: "the washington post" is out with a poll on gay marriage that is kind of an outlier. the fox news poll and other polls taken til now have said the country is pretty evenly split on whether or not gay marriage is a good thing, so why make that sort of the first shot out of the cannon, if you will, if this is, in fact, a presidential campaign? >> well, i think part of it is the pressure was on the democratic party among the donor base which is wildly pro-gay marriage. the fact that, you know, senator portman got out in front of hillary clinton on this issue and, in fact, there's a supreme
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court case coming up, all of those things lent to the need to get it out there. why they did it this way, i'm not exactly sure. i do think that going forward that for the last 10, 15 years gay marriage has been a wedge issue that has divided democrats. it's kind of remarkable that both hillary clinton and president obama took so long to embrace gay marriage to begin with. now i think we're looking at an era where gay marriage divides republican, and you're going to see democrats be much more aggressive in bringing it up than in the past. jon: joan that goldberg from the national review, thank you. >> great to be here. jenna: well, ten years later, we're reflecting on the start of the iraq war as our troops still fight in afghanistan today. coming up, we're going to talk to someone who just traveled in afghanistan, talk to him about what he really thinks is happening there as the u.s. and afghanistan governments really struggle to work together these days. also a purse snatcher on the prowl in a store acting so smooth he looks like he's done
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this before. but police don't think he's acting alone. we're going to tell you who else they think is in on this crime. and going public. tiger woods has a new girlfriend, everybody. jon: what? jenna: details on the announcement going viral today. we'll have more ahead. angie's list is essential. i automatically go there. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial.
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jenna: well, the fbi announcing a new break in the biggest art heist in u.s. history, but how close are they to actually finding the art? rick rick full bomb is live with the latest. >> reporter: not so close is the full answer there. a half a billion dollars in artwork stolen from a museum in boston 23 years ago week. paintings by some of the most famous masters of all time, rembrandt, monet.
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the fbi's been working the case since it happened, and now there's a new push to try and recover the works once and for all. >> for the first time we can say with a high degree of confidence we've determined that in the years since the theft, the art was transported to connecticut and to the philadelphia area. >> reporter: whoever has these pieces might not even know they were stolen. one of them, rembrandt's "storm on the sea of ballly lee," is reportedly worth about $250 million all on its own. the statute of limitations on the actual thefts has expired, but anyone knowingly playing a role could face charges. agents do know who was behind the original theft. they're not naming names, they say it's merely a crime ring based in the mid atlantic states. the spot where the art was stolen from is offering a $5 million reward for anyone with information that leads to those paintings' safe return. jenna: you don't have any on
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your wall do you? you have to wonder who actually is the clientele, right, for these pieces of art that are illegal to own but very expensive. >> reporter: yeah. i mean, i think these works, they get sold, and then they end up being put either in private collections or in museums. you would hope that somebody who was an expert would realize what they had and do the right thing and give it back. jenna: you wonder why they don't put a tracking device like you do on animals -- [laughter] to figure out if they get lifted like on your ipad or iphone so that we know where they are. >> reporter: good thinking, jenna. jenna: i know. i'm on to something. jon: one would think a $250 million painting -- guess what tomorrow is? the first day of spring. but you wouldn't know it in much of the country. parts of the midwest and the northeast getting hit with a big blast of snow. farther south a deadly storm packing heavy winds and hail the size of baseballs hit parts of mississippi, alabama and georgia. damaging homed left thousands
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without power. meteorologist janice dean is busy in the fox extreme weather center. j.d.? >> reporter: i think that groundhog is missing in action. jon: yes, i think so. bad forecast. >> reporter: declaring an early spring, never do that beyond five day, that's what i've learned in the weather the president. let's look at some of the video we have seen within the last 12-24 hours. we saw incredible snow in parts of the midwest and again that system moving eastward now into the northeast bringing 6-12 inches, maybe even higher totals, across new england. so folks are done with this. even as a meteorologist, someone who enjoys reporting the weather, i'm ready for spring. and even though it officially arrives tomorrow, it looks like we're still going to see cooler than average temperatures across the northern tier of the country and warmer than average temperatures across the south. so if you're looking for some kind of spring or summer weather, you want to move towards florida or even the
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southwest or california. now, i am waiting, waiting for my maps to come up. there they are. that's called a stretch in our profession, just waiting for these maps. just take a look at some of the snow totals, and unfortunately now my maps aren't -- oh, here we go. so parts of massachusetts, close to a foot of snow, we're certainly going to see that. we're not done with this storm system yet, but look at new hampshire. 8 inches for you, and parts of connecticut over 5 inches. here in the northeast and parts of new york city southward, it's been mainly a rain event, but we certainly saw a little snow yesterday. let's look at the sate lite across the midwest and the northeast, that's where we're still seeing the potential for some showers and/or a thunderstorm, scattered showers for the central u.s., so unfortunately, we're not limited here to the northeast. we're still getting wintry weather across the central u.s. so northeast you're going to see delays, unfortunately, across the northeast at all of major airports, and that's going to
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cause a ripple effect throughout much of the country. messy travel as we look ahead. this is going to kind of linger, the snow, across new england. temperatures are going to go up, though, so it will mainly be a rain event. still looking at the great lakes across the northeast. tomorrow officially the first day of spring, but look at these temperatures. as we go through the workweek, they're actually dipping into the low 40s for washington, d.c., upper 30s for new york city by thursday and even parts of boston just around the freezing mark. and this is going to be the trend, unfortunately, for the rest of the month percent northern tier of the -- for the northern tier of the country. just keep those puffy coats handy, i'm afraid. jon: i was out driving in it last night, it was pretty nasty. >> reporter: people are done. jon: she was looking forward to a snow day or a delayed start today, and then open the window this morning -- >> reporter: it just doesn't work out anymore. jon: streets were all clear, she had to go to school. all right, janice dean, thank
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you. >> reporter: skiers, i'm sure, excited. jon: one of these days. jenna: the jodi arias trial resumes, a possible slip-up by a defense expert is really getting a lot of attention today. what a psychologist revealed under cross-examination that could turn this case. our legal panel weighs in ahead. look, if you have copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva.
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♪ jenna: well, today we're marking ten years since the start of war in iraq. you probably remember some of these images, these videos from 2003. explosions going off in the shock and awe campaign as it was call canned. in the meantime, u.s. troops are still fighting in afghanistan as
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preparations are underway to withdraw by the end of next year. but figuring out what to do after that isn't easy. by the way, there's a lot of time between now and then. a top u.s. military chief in afghanistan now says his team's working as fast as possible to resolve some of the issues that have emerged between the united states and the country's president, hamid karzai. michael hanlon's a senior fellow at the brookings institution, and you literally just got back from afghanistan, michael. it's great to have you back on the program. >> thanks, jenna. nice to be with you. jenna: your tension trip through, what's your big takeaway this time around? >> well, there are two takeaway, and first i don't think will surprise too many people because it's opinion in the headlines, the obvious difficulty with president karzai and the united states. and i got a little more of a feel for what's behind that. let me say simply that most afghans are very worried about president karzai's behavior because even if they understand some of why he's made these critical comments, they value
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the u.s. relationship so much that they really hate the idea of president karzai, for whatever reason, risking its demise or its premature curtailment because he's upset. now, there are some reasons. most afghans are very concerned because they so value the u.s./afghan relationship. that's my takeaway on the politics side. and other big thing, of course, is that everyone's starting to debate the elections in afghanistan which are a year away, but everyone's wondering whether karzai will be able to, essentially, orchestrate a victory for his preferred candidate and who that would be. that's just sort of gossip, and that's beginning in full steam to. the other maintainingaway on the military side is things are substantially better than i expected. not because we're winning the war on our watch, but because the afghan army and police are increasingly capable of taking the baton from us and taking the fight to thenmy themselves. more than -- the enemy
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themselves in a way that's still fragile but encouraging. jenna: let's talk about that final point. what does victory look like in afghanistan, and are we achieving it by whatever, whatever road to victory there is? >> good question and, unfortunately, the answer, i think, is no in the short term. i don't see a path towards victory. we've had the best alliance in military and world history unable to defeat the taliban for whatever reason, there are a few reasons including pakistan's role, including how much the government itself is still somewhat unpopular, including the nature of afghanistan, the remote areas where people tend to be wary of foreigners and even their own government. but beyond that i think that we are seeing the afghan army and police really able to take the main responsibility from us. they are now leading 85% of all operations. a couple of years ago the figure was reversed. they are now taking 75% of all
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casualties, and while that's not by itself a proof of anything per se, the anecdotes that i heard in the field were that, yes, the afghan army really does fight. in fact, i heard a few people say these are a lot better than iraqis. they fight a lot harder than iraqis, and we like working with them x. the more we want to give them responsibility, the more they relish it and take it on. so that kind of story was actually more encouraging on this trip of mine, my tenth, than i'd ever heard before. and that is the big, positive takeaway from the trip. jenna: what about pakistan? when we talk about our biggest threats to national security and the most evil of our enemies, what's going on there? especially in the tribal area. and how are those areas the same, different than, let's say, your first, second, third trip to afghanistan. are we doing any better? are we accomplishing any more? >> well, unfortunately, the answer is no. the most notable thing is just how resilient this pakistan problem has been and how unable or unwilling or both the
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pakistanis have been to really deal with it themselves. finish on your first question, what's behind it, what's motivating them, you know, i really think to be blunt that the pakistanis are fundamentally on both sides of this war. because they don't really believe that we're going to stay long enough to be successful in establishing a stable afghan government, and so they want to have a taliban option as their backup plan. and they also probably want the taliban even if we do succeed to be able to put some pressure on any indian consulates, businesses, intelligence operatives who might try to take foot many afghanistan. as you know, the pakistanis have a very intense rivalry with india. i would say it verges on paranoid at times. and any kind of indian presence in afghanistan, they see the worst possible motive behind. jenna: interesting. >> i think they want the taliban to be able the to go after that indian presence violently in the future. and so the pakistanis, you know, they're very tough. there are some ways in which
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they collaborate, and people are a little happier with the relationship right now than they, let's say, were a year ago. but overall it hasn't improved from three, four years ago very much at all. and i really think the pakistanis are sort of playing both sides of the fence. jenna: it's certainly a complicated situation, but that's where the enemy is right now, it bears longer conversation and, mike, we hope to have you back to continue that conversation. thanks for the time. appreciate it, as always. >> thank you, jenna. my pleasure. jon: as jenna mentioned, we are marking a decade since the war in iraq began. we're going to take a closer look at media coverage of this decade past in our news watch panel. that's coming up. [ male announcer ] dunes, desert, or trail,
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jon: right now in the jodi arias murder trial in arizona, a key defense expert expected pack on the witness stand in the next hour, this after dropping a bombshell yesterday. lis wiehl, fox news legal analyst and former federal prosecutor joins us, doug burns, a criminal defense attorney, he's with us as well. so richard samuels is this psychologist. several weeks ago during the trial he said, yeah, she could have posttraumatic stress disorder. i've examined her 30 hours over the course -- >> sounds good, right? jon: yeah, sure. i mean, validated her entire defense. >> until he gets on cross-examination with the prosecutor, and his credibility is completely shot because the prosecutor said oh, you made
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this diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder after you'd heard the second story. remember, she's told three stories. after you heard the story of, oh, she was there, but it was a couple of intruders that did it. that's when you made your diagnosis? you didn't rediagnose her when she said, yes, i did it, but it was self-defense, you didn't rediagnose her? sloppy is a kind way of saying it. jon: so put on your defense attorney's hat, dougment how does the defense come back from something like that? >> it's hard, i'm not going to sugar coat it. the fact of the matter is, any medical professional you have to be i looked at a chart, i met with the person. however, having said that out of my bag of tricks here, jon, all joking aside, he was hostile with the defendant, so here apparently yesterday -- and i haven't seen the exact clip or footage -- but he got really hostile with this witness. and, again, jurors are laypersons, and you don't know how it's hitting them.
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>> but jurors don't let experts by and large, and they certainly don't like experts that look to be sloppy. pause the jurors know they're being paid by whatever side they're testifying for. so if they don't even do their job, and they're wasting a juror's time, they're going to be a lot more sympathetic with the defendant in most cases than they will with the paid hired gun. >> but i would say this, and that is that, um, you don't have to be a psychiatrist to know. and the reason i frame it in those terms is, again, broken record, jurors bring an unbelievable commodity into the course. common sense life experience. and i think they all know that all of us will block out something really negative in our lives. that's point one, and point two, none of us, thank god, certainly sitting here have done anything like this. >> you just made my point for me. >> they can understand why she blocked it out. >> no, the jurors bring in their common sense and common understanding. common sense would dictate if you're the expert in this case, you take the medical diagnosis
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from the last story she gave you. >> maybe i didn't explain it correctly, we lawyers tend to think in logical terms like the way you just described it -- >> so do jurors. >> yeah, but they don't. sometimes they come in with their visceral, gut reactions. at the end of the day, i can understand why i blacked this out of my mind. that's all i'm saying. >> that does this case no good. jon: the prosecution has done a good job of pointing out she manages to remember all these unpleasant things about the raunchy sex -- >> and what happened afterwards. jon: right. all of that she remembers, but the actual murder -- >> right. just that one instance she doesn't remember, basically. and the jurors and all of their questioning, so many questions for this woman. asked her again and again the same thing, they were bringing in their common sense, absolutely. >> but i'll just say be careful what you are seeking because remember a little case, you might remember, where pundit after pundit after pundit definitely been convicted. casey anthony. >> well, that is true.
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jon: there is a little more evidence in this case. in the casey anthony case, it was pretty hard to tell what happened to the a little girl. >> no, no, you're making a great point. she's admitted doing it,al we it under this -- albeit under this self-defense story. jon: and the murder is practically caught on camera. there's a shot of him in the shower and 62 seconds later -- >> and the fact she kept changing her story. >> and the only reason i mention casey anthony is this business of going for first-degree. i've heard a lot of experts saying, you know what? it should be second-degree murder. jon: sounds like me waif some weeks of testimony. >> i think so. of. jon: lis wiehl, doug burn, thank you both. jenna: "happening now," big news in the sports world. 23 in a row for miami. lebron james scoring the winning basket in the closing seconds against boston right now to keep the heat's winning streak alive.
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miami's 23rd consecutive wins is now the second longest winning streak in nba history. jim gray is a fox news contributor. lebron says it means a lot. i know the history of the game. but for those of us who don't, why is this such a big deal? >> well, they now have the second longest winning streak in the history of the nba, and it's one of the untouchable records, this 33 strait. it's like joe dimaggio's 56-game hitting streak. nobody thought anybody would be able to do this. it's taken since the 1971-'72 season, and now if you look at the next 11 game, and we can put up the schedule after he see the play here, the miami heat have a legitimate chance to get past the los angeles lakers. it looks to me if you look at this schedule that the two tough games are going to be friday the 29th of march and sunday the 31st. i'm sorry, wednesday the 27th at
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chicago, that would be a tough of game at the bulls, and then san antonio's going to be very, very difficult. and the interesting thing about playing at san antonio, they have the best record right now in the western conference, miami in the eastern conference. but back on november 29th you might recall i was in the studio with you because gregg popovich, the coach of the san antonio spurs, sat four of his starters, doesn't have them play against miami, and he was fined $250,000, jenna. so now that's going to be a huge game. jenna: that was the whole thing, he decided he's going to bench his players to save them for a tougher game. >> this game, probably. save them for this game. [laughter] jenna: so based on the way the heat is playing, besides the tough games, momentum means a lot in professional sports. do you think they have a good shot? >> i really do because if you look at the combined records, take away the bulls and san antonio, the total record including those two teams is 299
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wins, 440 losses. so they should breeze through those other teams. jenna: knock on wood. it jinxes -- and, you know, superstition means a lot in sports too. i have to ask you a quick final question about this, jim, i'm holding up "the new york post," tiger woods and lindsey von announcing their romance. i should add, i mean, jim, sports world reaction to this? what is it? >> well, i think it's interesting. she's the best skier to ever come out of the united states for a woman, and he is going to be the number one golfer again, and in many circles he's considered to be the best golfer in the history of the game even though he's still chasing jack nicklaus' 18 majors. i think it's good for tiger to be able to put in his rearview mirror everything that happened with his former wife elin and all of the problems and scandal he had. as for lindsey vonn, she's
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divorced. i'm sure there's going to be a lot of intrigue because of their fame in sports and because of his past. you just hope for a happy life for these people, and i'm sure by releasing these photos, tiger woods has always wanted to be one step ahead of the posse, so he didn't want the paparazzi to have the photos. i'm sure they'll keep chasing them, but tiger -- jenna: well, the season has been great so far. i'm happy with my wins, and something nice happened off the course as well. there's always, you know, a woman behind every win, i just want to point that out. you don't have to comment on that, jim. >> well, we'll see how he does in augusta in a couple of weeks. jenna: that'll be a real test. i'll nothing on wood as -- knock on wood again. nice to see you again. jon: i just want to know how she's doing with her knee problem. jenna: that's right. acl that she tore? jon: that was nasty. jenna: well, his plane went and picked her up. that's nice, right?
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jon: it was ten years ago tomorrow that newspapers around the country declared war in huge headlines. it has been a decade since the beginning of the war with iraq. and the shock and awe campaign that we saw on the opening night. so where's all the media coverage this time around? our news watch panel weighs in, coming up.
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jon: ten years ago the ground war against iraqi forces grand grand -- began. we watched history unfold. but how have the media portrayed the war? joining us now, cal thomas, syndicated columnist, also with us, marvin kalb, former moderator for "meet the press." both are fox news contributors. generally, cal, it seems to me if you read the newspapers these days, they sum up the iraq war as a mistake because the weapons of mass destruction were never found. give us your take on that. >> you know, the genesis of this, of course, was the bush
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administration leaked to "the new york times" this story about aluminum tubes and saddam on the way to weapons of mass destruction, and that was the genesis for attacking saddam hussein. look, this is extremely difficult. surely there is too close a relationship between too many in the press and too many in the government. in matter what administration is in power. first of all, they don't like covering foreign policy stories anymore. most of the bureaus have shut down around the world. they rely on stringers. we've got a lot of propaganda coming into the american media, and i think that while the ten-year anniversary is important, it's more important for the media to look into the fact that this isn't just about nation-states or any one leader. this is about a virus, radical islam, that continues to threaten not only the middle east, but much of the rest of the world. that's the real story that needs to continue to be written, in my view. jon: let me read for you part of
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the piece that appeared this morning, marvin, in "the new york post" which is owned by the parent corporation of this network. they write: jon: is this, in fact, a bit of a repeat of what we accomplished in world war ii? >> no, it is not a repeat, unfortunately. at the end of world war ii, the u.s. made major efforts, put in an enormous amount of money to help japan and germany change politically, change economically, and both nations did that. in iraq what we are seeing is not the democracy in the middle east that we were promised at the beginning of this war. maliki, the prime minister, is
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not himself a democrat. he has established closer relations with iran than he has with the united states. so that the whole idea that we're there in order to build a democracy simply has never panned out. the media has no interest in this story at the moment because the media itself in this country is in trouble. it's short of money, it's overloaded with technology, and at the moment unless americans are dying, the media simply doesn't cover the story, and that's a shame. jon: the media, marvin, had a lot of interest in the runup to the war. what happened? >> yes. well, it had a great deal of interest, but in the wrong way, if you'll forgive me. the criticism of the media in the runup to the war is that it was not scent call enough of what it was being told about weapons of mass destruction. they simply weren't there. and the media for the most part simply bought into the administration line. that is something that is not
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good journal i.. good journalism is associated with a degree of respectable skepticism. >> well, it was just the, you know, the administration's line, tony blair, hen the prime minister of -- then the prime minister of great britain, was saying the same thing. many intelligence agencies were saying the same thing. i think it was less the fault of the media than it was the fault of our intelligence-gathering operations. those, too, have been cut back and compromised in many cases. >> that's true. >> it's not just the media, it's a lot of elements that went into this. jon: i want to carry this forward on the other side of the commercial break. we'll be back with marvin kalb and cal thomas to talk about the media coverage of the iraq war a decade later.
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jon: ten years after operation shock and awe began the iraq war, we are discussing the aftermath of that war and how it's being covered in the media with cal thomas, a syndicated columnist, and marvin kalb, former diplomatic correspondent and former moderator for "meet the press," both fox news contributors. marvin, you were saying, you know, the kind of money and investment that was poured into germany and japan -- marvin, apparently, is not hearing my questions, so i'll toss this one to cal, and then we'll get back to marvin in just a second. the kind of money we poured into germany and japan, cal, if americans were still in iraq trying to build, you know, some kind of a government there, i mean, i remember the heat that paul bremer took when the coalition provisional authority was there, and everybody said, you know, give it to the iraqi, met them do it themselves. would the media tolerate that? >> well, look, jon, there's a
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different history here when you talk about japan and germany. you had two elements there. you had hero worship of the emperor here here toe as kind of a demigod and in germany, of course, you had the nazis who came in and hijacked a revolution and all of that business out of world war i and being disgraced according to hitler and the rest. so at least you had some kind of history before that in those two countries. in the middle east, let's not forget these boundaries were largely drawn by churchill and other post-world war ii leaders. many of those countries had not really existed as they exist today in history. so there is nothing, no real history to draw upon to rebuild anything. you're really not rebuilding something, you're trying to build something from scratch. and in nations and among people where democracy doesn't exist in their religion or in their experience, it is an extremely difficult thing to do. jon: marvin, i understand you can hear me now. >> i'm back.
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jon: good. >> i just answered his question. >> thank you very much. [laughter] jon: i have one for you, marvin, you you were saying the press should have been more skeptical. you had the director of the cia saying weapons of mass destruction a slam dunk in iraq, you had saddam apparently telling his own generals that he had weapons of mass destruction. you had colin powell going before the u.n. general assembly and saying, look, they've got all the parts and pieces they need to build weapons of mass destruction. how much more skeptical was the press supposed to be? >> well, you are setting up the bush administration's case for war in iraq. and the united states went to war in iraq. congress supported the president's policy on going to war, and the media supported it what this all adds up to, however, since it didn't work out that way, was that somebody
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got it drastically wrong. american intelligence got it wrong, the brits got it wrong, the israelis got it wrong, everybody did which means somebody in our society -- and it ends up being the media -- has to stand up and say let's think about this a little bit rather than rush into a war. we are now at a point, jon, where an american president can determine when the united states goes to war, whether the congress approves of it or not. we don't deal with deck la rightses -- declarations of war any longer. and so at this particular point, who other than the media ought to stand up and say, wait a minute, let's think about this? >> let me make a quick point -- jon: well, i've got to say good-bye. the computer's going to cut me off. ma vin kalb and cal thomas, thank you both. >> thank you, jon. jon: we'll be right back. [ loud party sounds ]
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